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Tax Planning and Preparation

Councilor, Buchanan & 老葡京手机app关于税务规划和准备的哲学很简单:使税后财富最大化. 

For more than 100 years, Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell’s (老葡京手机app) reputation among high net-worth individuals, 企业所有者和免税领导人一直依靠我们的能力来应对复杂的税务情况,而这需要的不仅仅是典型的专业知识. 我们经验丰富的专业人员投入大量时间来了解您独特的税务情况. 我们还参加了严格的培训,以熟悉新的税收法律法规对您的资金的影响.

Whether the tax expertise you need is for yourself, your family or your business, 多年来,老葡京手机app与客户一起面对了许多具有挑战性的情况, 基于我们对税法的深入了解和我们通过建立信任和帮助每个客户成功建立长期合作关系的愿望.


老葡京手机app’s not-for-profit team applies years of experience preparing Forms 990, Form 990-PF and Form 990-T for charities, foundations, and trade and membership associations. 我们还与客户合作,帮助他们解决诸如不相关业务收入等常见问题, proper disclosures or compliance with the public support test, which have significant tax implications.

个人纳税人和企业主面临的最大挑战之一是遵守州的规定, 有纳税义务的所有司法管辖区的国内和国际法律. Wherever you own property or taxable assets, or do business, 您可以受益于老葡京手机app等经验丰富的会计师事务所的帮助,以帮助您保持合规性. 我们还帮助企业主确定无法预扣的收入的预估税额, such as self-employment income, interest, capital gains and dividends.

新企业的成立给新企业主带来了重大的责任,包括选择要使用的会计方法, identifying the entity type for your business, 计算你的年度纳税申报表(如果你有雇员的话)的估计纳税额和就业税.) 老葡京手机app可以帮助你制定一个合理的策略来管理你的税务责任,因为你的业务已经起步. Should you need additional accounting support, or consulting on technology, payroll, bookkeeping and advice for scaling up your business, our experienced outsourced team can help take your business to the next level.

As you accumulate wealth through the success of your closely held business, your role as a not-for-profit executive 或者其他方式,你的税务情况会变得更复杂. You are also more likely to want to manage your wealth by planning your estate, 为子女或孙辈的教育基金捐款, and investing with an experienced financial advisor. 老葡京手机app的税务专家与您一起合作制定合理的税务策略,以最大限度地减少您的责任. And should you need investment expertise, our colleagues at May Barnhard Investments老葡京手机app的财富管理子公司,能为您提供所需的服务.

A letter from the IRS, 一个意想不到的国家审计结果或税务机关引起你注意的其他一些发现,可能会导致令人困惑的不确定性和焦虑,尤其是当大笔资金受到质疑时. 按照所有的法律法规来准备你的税收是很有挑战性的. 当你被告知你的纳税申报单有问题时,你就更困惑了! In times like this, turning to 老葡京手机app is the right way to go. Click here 了解更多老葡京手机app所采取的步骤,以帮助数百名客户遇到审计或有关其纳税义务的争议. Don’t go it alone; 老葡京手机app brings vast knowledge to advocate for your interest.


Beyond Taxation: Transactions Expertise for Organizational Leaders

企业和非营利组织的领导者需要了解一系列复杂的组织交易,而不仅仅是税务规划和准备. 老葡京手机app的会计师和顾问咨询了数百家企业和免税实体,以确保其企业的持续成功和可持续发展. Click here to learn more about our consulting expertise.

Securely Upload Your Files to Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell

Councilor, Buchanan & 老葡京手机app通过我们的在线门户网站或ShareSafe方便地将文件上传到我们的税务专业人员.

Click here to read more.

What Clients Have to Say about Our Tax Expertise

Winnie, I have to say I am a big fan of yours and 老葡京手机app. 你的专业水平和对客户的关注是杰出的,我很高兴你能照顾我们. – Lanse Crane


“面对当今极具挑战性和不断变化的税收法规, 我们仍然相信信任措施能够满足我们当前和未来的所有需求, and are happy to provide this recommendation on their behalf.” – Richard A. Swirnow, Chairman at Swirnow Capital Management Corp.

“I have benefited from Dominick Bellia’s expertise since 2014. 我的建筑公司有几个实体,这意味着我面临着一个复杂的税务情况. 但多米尼克和他的团队每年都会帮助我解决这些复杂的问题. I appreciate his knowledge and expertise.” – George Mavrikes, Managing Partner at Blue Skye Construction

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